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Compulsory Carrier’s Liability Insurance towards Passengers
Insurance Conditions:
- Object of Compulsory Carrier’s Civil Liability Insurance towards Passengers is property interest of the insured (carrier) connected with its obligation established by the civil legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic to compensate the harm inflicted to life, health and property of passengers during their transportation.
- The Insurant is an individual or legal entity who signed the insurance contract with insurance company (insurer).
- Insurance Period is 12 months (at implementation of employer’s activity for less than twelve months the contract is signed for the term of implementation of this activity)
- Insured Amount is determined by the agreement between the Insurant and the Insurer, but it should not be less than annual wage fund of all employees by staff categories (production, administrative and managerial, auxiliary).
Compulsory Carrier’s Civil Liability Insurance towards Passengers Act is adopted by Zhogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic on June 20, 2008.
1.Object of Compulsory Carrier’s Civil Liability Insurance towards Passengers is property interest of the insured (carrier) connected with its obligation established by the civil legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic to compensate the harm inflicted to life, health and property of passengers during their transportation.
2. Civil liability of carriers -residents of the Kyrgyz Republic transporting passengers via railway, water, air and motor transport is subject to compulsory Insurance
3. Civil liability of carriers is subject to insurance for each vehicle unit used for transportation of passengers.
4. An insured event is harm inflicted to life, health and property of the affected, and includes material expression of the harm connected with his/her death, trauma or disease and total loss or partial damage, and theft or missing of luggage and things which are at the passenger (hand luggage).
5. For calculation of the amount of insurance compensation the estimate indicator established according to the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic on the date of insurance compensation is used.