1. What is the process of insurance reimbursement with the franchise?
Franchise is a part of the amount of loss from which compensation the Insurer is free.
It can be: unconditional and conditional.
At a conditional franchise:
— if the extent of damage does not exceed the amount of a franchise established by
the contract, then insurance compensation is not paid;
— if the extent of damage exceeds — compensation is paid in full;
At an unconditional franchise (deductible) in all cases the amount of a franchise established by the contract is subtracted from the
amount of insurance compensation.
2. On what territory does the insurance policy take effect?
Unless otherwise provided by the Insurance Contract, the insurance territory is the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The COMPREHENSIVE INSURANCE is a voluntary type of vehicle insurance at which the car is insured against various damages.
Is it possible to insure an old house?
It is allowed to insure real estate of no later than 1960 year of construction.
. What to do if a road accident happened?
- to stop immediately the vehicle (leave it on the site), to turn on the Emergency Brake Light, to put the breakdown triangle, not to move the objects relating to the accident;
- to call a claims adjuster of A Plus IC
6. I called the tow truck at my own expense, will the company recompense expenses?
Yes. A Plus Insurance Company will compensate expenses if your car became out-of-service due to serious road accident.
7. Is it possible to pay the policy by a bank card?
You can pay by: VISA, MasterCard, ELKART, CARD PLUS
8. What documents are necessary for registration of the Comprehensive Insurance (Vehicle insurance)?
- Written Application of the Insurant
- Vehicle Registration Certificate
- Passport of the Insurant
- Driving Licenses of the persons admitted to the vehicle driving
- Certificate of Inspection (filled out by our employees at the office of A Plus Insurance Company)
9. Is the franchise an indispensable condition for the policy?
No, is not. But it influences the cost of the policy.
10. What to do if one lost the policy?
You can address to the company with the written application, and we will provide you with the duplicate of the insurance policy. In this case it is necessary to have your identification on hand.
11. What to do in the event of the road accident?
1. To inform A Plus Insurance Company
(to contact the claims adjuster at phone specified in the policy)
2. To call the State Road Transport Inspectorate
12. What measures to take at an acute and sudden disease?
It is necessary to call A Plus Insurance Company, or the assistance company at phones specified in the policy. Our medical coordinators work 24/7/365.
13. If other party is guilty in the road accident, will our company compensate for damages?
Yes, it will. In this case the right to receivables from a guilty party passes to A Plus Insurance Company.