Rules of insurance

«Rules of freights insurance

«Rules of loan insurance

«Rules of machinery breakdown insurance

Правила комплексного страхования транспортных средств, гражданской ответственности и мест в средстве транспорта (Страхование Комби)

Rules for containers insurance

Rules for insurance against damage to cars

Rules of insurance against other financial losses

Mobile Equipment Insurance Regulations

Industrial and Commercial Property Insurance Rules

Legal cost insurance policy

Rules of insurance of construction risks

Vehicle Insurance Regulations

Financial Risk Insurance Rules

Personal insurance

Комплексное страхование граждан, выезжающих за пределы постоянного места жительства.

Правила добровольного медицинского страхования

Accident and Disease Insurance Regulations

Accident Insurance Regulations

Rules of insurance of passengers of air, rail and road transport

Term life insurance policy

Liability Insurance

Rules of insurance of civil liability of owners of airports and dispatchers

Rules of insurance of civil liability of tour operators

Rules of insurance of liability of road carriers before the customs authorities during transport carried out on the terms of the customs convention on the international carriage of goods using the TIR Carnet.

Rules of Architects’ Professional Liability Insurance

Rules of Auditors’ Legal Liability Insurance

Rules Legal Liability Insurance of Warehouse and Terminal Owners/Operators

Rules of professional liability insurance appraisers

Rules of insurance of civil liability of an organization operating a hazardous production facility.

Rules of insurance of civil liability of the carrier to passengers

Rules of insurance of civil liability of carriers and freight forwarders

Employer’s civil liability insurance policy

Rules of insurance of civil liability in the implementation of professional activity of a realtor

Rules of insurance of civil liability of customs representatives


Rules of compulsory insurance of civil liability of organizations operating hazardous production facilities

Rules of insurance of civil liability of customs representatives

Rules of insurance of civil liability of customs representatives

Rules of insurance of civil liability of customs representatives


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